Murder, She Wrote has long been a classic TV show and the books are a great way to indulge our addiction. Let me show you a few novels you may have missed along the way.
Murder, She Wrote

I’ve always been a bookworm right from an early age. I love words. Put those words into a great story and I can lose myself in the journey for hours.
I like Mysteries, they can be in the form of novels, movies or a TV series. I guess I have a brain that likes to help the good guys save the day and help solve the crime from the comfort of my couch. Don’t you?
That’s what I love about the Murder She Wrote series. The descriptions are wonderful and as the story is told from Jessica Fletcher’s perspective you feel like you are seeing everything through her eyes, so ultimately you are drawn into solving the who dun-nit? They are also an easy read, just what you want if you have a busy life.
I especially like a good mystery novel to read with a nice cup of coffee, relaxing on those long hazy days sitting outdoors in the park or in my own backyard or even on my Summer vacation. Summer is Summer wherever you are, so as long as the sun is shining and you have a good book to read, your favorite drink next to you and a relaxing setting, getting lost in the plot of the story will be easy.
Intrigued enough to carry on? I hope so, as I want to share my fascination and love of the Murder, She Wrote books. I’m sure you’ve seen the popular TV show, maybe even the original when it first aired and countless re-runs in-between, but did you know there are some great novels too?
Are you sitting comfortably, don’t forget that drink, then we’ll begin…