Poirot for iOS
Keep track of all things Hercule Poirot, n’est pas?

Remember which Poirot books you’ve read, which TV episodes and movies you’ve watched?
Let this app help you keep track of everything Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie’s famous Belgian detective. We’ve compiled a list of books and short stories, TV shows and Movies. You can keep track of what you’ve seen/read and discover hidden gems you may have missed.
We had a lot of fun putting this app together. We found that we were losing track of which books we had read, I know that sounds impossible but it’s true, maybe it’s the advancing years of age shrinking our little grey cells but we needed some help. Even if you don’t forget which books, movies or shows you have read or watched, it is also useful as an aide to ensure you don’t miss anything.
So hence the app was conceived and born.
I’ve put together this article to delve into the app and help you understand how it works.
There are 34 Poirot Novels.

Poirot made his first appearance in the The Mysterious Affair at Styles where he is summoned by his friend Hastings to help solve the mysterious murder.
So you’ve downloaded the app and you may have already read some of the books. Look through the list and touch the book which will take you to another screen where you can record whether you have read this book.
You may be looking for the next novel to read, so if you need more information on the plot, there’s a useful Wikipedia link that will give you more information. Once you finished you simply go back to the app.
Did you know there’s also a whopping fifty-four short stories featuring our clever little Detective?
Check them out in the app and see if you’ve read any of them.
Download Poirot from the App Store Today

Do they think they can get rid of Hercule Poirot like that? No! No-no-no-no-no-no! 36 times NO!!
Keep track of your favorite series and don’t miss a single episode.

We all like a good movie, but it’s even better if it’s surrounded in mystery and intrigue.
The Poirot Movies are great and there’s ten of them to keep you entertained. I love the scenery and the locations they were filmed and I always get completely immersed in the story trying to figure out who dunnit.

The app helps you track the movies you have watched and maybe uncover one or two you had forgotten about or you haven’t got around to watching yet.
If you need more info about the movie, you can always visit IMDb. There’s no need to leave the app you can press the handy IMDb link and find out more. When you’ve finished just return to the app.
Now where’s the Popcorn!
Why not try…
From Cards on the Table
H. Poirot: Do you think Shaitana played any card games?
Major Despard: There is only one game that Shaitana played… a low-down game. We all make mistakes. Even you, I dare say, have a failure now and then.
H. Poirot: Well, the last one was 28 years ago.