Well, it looks like I’ve been nominated for the “Liebster Award,” an award for up and coming bloggers with 200 followers or less! Thanks for my nomination goes to AliMoonGoddess who has one of the coolest tag lines a blog could have, so go check her out 🙂
So without further ado I will answer the questions I have been posed:-
1. Have you ever had to watch a cartoon over & over & over til you want to just kill off all the characters? Which cartoon? No..but the Elmer Fudd character comes pretty close.
2. If you were at a donut shop right now, what donut flavor would you choose to enjoy? Original Krispy Kreme glazed donut with chocolate and sprinkles.
3. If you won $5,000 today what would you do with it? Save it.
4. What does home smell like? Popcorn and ocean breezes.
5. What was the last book you read & would you recommend it? Yarn To Go. Yes.
6. If a new constellation was discovered & you were picked to name it, what would you name it? Phoenicopterus
7. What are you looking forward to? Making Kites at the Museum
8. What does your last text message received say? That’s a secret
9. What are 3 nonprofits that you love? WWF, American Heart Association & National Public Radio.
10. If someone wrote a song about your life, who would you want to sing it? Shirley Bassey
11. What is the most recent blog that you discovered (other than this one) that you are loving right now? Dusty Corners Blog
I would like to nominate the following blogs for the Liebster Award and for them to answer my 11 questions listed below:-
Congratulations Everyone!
Ok, question time. Here’s the list for my nominees:
1. Who is your role model?
2. What is the thing that you are most passionate about, your purpose/calling?
3. If you had to sum up yourself in a word, what would it be?
4. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
5. What is the most important piece of advice you could give?
6. Create a list of things that make you smile.
7. Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
8. Pancakes or Crepes?
9. Describe a moment of unshakeable courage in your life.
10. What is your greatest attribute?
11. What is your purpose for blogging?
There are several rules by which you must abide in accepting this award:
1. Link the person who nominated you (that’s me) to your blog post and let them know you answered their questions.
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator.
3. Nominate other bloggers (11) for the award that have fewer than 200 followers.
4. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them
Thanks for nominating my blog for the Liebster award. You came up with some thought provoking questions there so I will have to dig deep for the answers.
Thanks again!
You’re welcome – it’s a great site. Looking forward to your responses.
Hi, Thank you for the nomination for a Liebster Award, this is the first award my blog has been nominated for! This is exciting! Guess I had better get busy.
Well deserved. Looking forward to seeing your answers and who you nominate.
I guess maybe I should have waited to post until I was done haha. Well here it is, those were some good questions you asked. So now what? 🙂 Oh ya here is the link:
Thank you,
Vagabon Velda
Excellent, will have a look.