How to use ChatGPT to create a Character Backstory

In my last article How ChatGPT can help you create Characters for your Game, Movie or Novel I showed you how to use both ChatGPT and Midjourney to help you create exciting new Characters that you could use in your creative projects.

Now we have our characters, I’d like to see a fuller backstory for each one.

As a reminder, I asked ChatGPT to generate 5 different characters and they turned out great. Here they are in all their glory.

We want to learn more about each of characters so lets get the AI to work.

Using the same Table of Elements, ask ChatGPT to use each row, but this time asking to create a backstory using the information contained within that table. Meanwhile, I asked Midjourney to create some action shots based on their backstories and using the above photos as a reference point so we have the same faces for our characters. In my next article, I explain how that works.

Now, let’s check out Aiden Black.

Taking the info ChatGPT generated here’s Aiden family photo album, all created using the power of Midjourney.

Scarlett Chang – who are you and what’s your backstory?

Scarlett Chang
Scarlett Chang

What’s your story Isacc Johnson?

Isaac Johnson

Lola Cruz, hacker and small time thief – what is your backstory?

and finally, step up and tell us the backstory of Dominic Rodriguez

What do you think of the backstories ChatGPT generated and the photos I managed to get Midjourney to make to accompany them? Hit or Miss? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below.

In the next article, I will explain how I used the original character images created by Midjourney to place those characters in scenes depicting their individual backstories generated by ChatGPT.


Happy Creating.

How ChatGPT can help you create Characters for your Game, Movie or Novel

Stuck for ideas on what your next hero or heroine should look like? What their backstory is? What is their motivation? ChatGPT is the hero of the hour ready to rescue you from creator’s block.

In FOUR EASY STEPS I’ll show you an example of how to create new Characters that could be used in your next creative adventure. Imagine adding these characters to your next Game, Movie or Blockbuster Novel…maybe it will help you springboard your own new and exciting ideas.

First you need ChatGPT. Follow this link to sign up with your email for your free account. But first you may be asking yourself a question…

What is ChatGPT? Well, I could tell you, but lets get the AI to tell you all about what makes it tick!

Who better to explain ChatGPT…than the AI itself

Here are the FOUR steps you need to follow once you have ChatGPT ready to go.


Ask ChatGPT a question or type in what you would like it to work with. Here’s what I used.

Use ChatGPT to come up with this text too. Just ask it a question and watch it spring into life


Next, ask it to use those elements to make a table.

To pull out the relevant Character info, ask it to create a handy table
Whoa, so many characters each with their own traits, backgrounds and so much more
Let’s see what happens when we ask Midjourney to give us their head-shots


Ask ChatGPT to separate the info ready to feed into Midjourney


Now, feed that handy info into Midjourney to create some amazing shots of our new Characters!

We’ve created our characters using ChatGPT, fed their profiles into Midjourney and we’re ready to introduce our first Character, Aiden Black, Former Navy Seal.

Aiden Black, Former Navy Seal

or maybe you’d like this Action Hero to look slightly different. Just pick one of the four choices Midjourney made for us. Tweak them to get just the right look or make variations of the prompt.

Images created using Midjourney v5
Will the real Aiden Black, Former Navy Seal, please stand up?

Lets check in on our other Characters:
Scarlett Chang, Interpol Agent
Jack Hunter, Ex-CIA Operative
Lola Cruz, Expert Hacker and Thief
Dominic Rodriguez, Former MMA Champion Fighter

Scarlett Chang, Interpol Agent
Jack Hunter, Ex-CIA Operative

By tweaking the prompt, you can get different styles. Our next Character, Lola Cruz, Expert Hacker and Thief, may be featuring in your next graphic novel so this version may be more appropriate for that medium.

Lola Cruz, Expert Hacker and Thief
Dominic Rodriguez, Former MMA champion fighter

You’re all set! Give it a go and work alongside our new AI friends, ChatGPT and Midjourney and see what you can create together.

What do you think of the Characters it created? Share your thoughts about AI in the comments below and let me know what creative things you have made using this AI technology.

In my next article, I’ll explore how we can take these Characters and create each one a backstory using the same tools.

Happy Creating!

Thanks to DeviantArt and TwoMinutePapers for inspiring me to try these new prompts