I really love using the Twenty Fifteen theme for my site. I’ve tried lots of different ones. Believe me there are loads out there to try and you can spend a lot of time playing around with just the theme before you even do any writing on your site. The only thing that was frustrating and stopping me really loving this theme was the Header.
The header is customizable in Twenty Fifteen but it doesn’t allow you to add a logo very easily, so I’ve had to make do with one of my images as the background header and then make do with the boring font for the Travelling Banana site title – not very welcoming or exciting to say the least.
So I enrolled on another Blogging University Course run by WordPress to help me get into the nitty gritty of my site and hopefully come out the other side with a better looking site and a better experience for you.

So our current assignment is to look at customizing our Headers – fantastic…exactly what I have been looking for. In the forum I explained my problem and one of the lovely Happiness Engineers, Kathryn P., responded and gave me lots of useful advice. She pointed me in the direction of the Twenty Fifteen forum on WordPress.Org and this is where I discovered my answer. Someone was having a similar problem to myself and Tahoe Rock answered the question and gave a solution to the problem.
I followed Tahoe’s instructions, and with the help of my husband to make sure I didn’t put the code in the wrong place and mess it up entirely, I finally have a new header image/logo proudly sitting at the top of this site.
I may play around with it a little more until I’m happy with the size, dimensions etc but I’m really happy that I have some kind of branding instead of the lonely boring text I had before.
It’s still not an easy thing to do, and you do have to know where the code goes, but at least it was a solution and one I can play around with.
Thanks everyone! 🙂
Do you think the Travelling Banana logo should be larger? Let me know your thoughts below.