If you wander your local neighborhood what kind of trees do you have?
Here are a selection of my local neighborhood trees and a lot of them are fruit trees 🙂 with a few mystery trees thrown in – do you know what they are?
Papaya Trees

A big thank you to Beatriz of gardeningB.com for pointing me in the right direction – these are actually Papayas not Mango as I incorrectly identified. See, I need all the help I can get 🙂Â
However, I’m going to keep this fun Mango fact here 😉 because it’s so interesting.
Mango Mystery – Solved
Mangos are distantly related to a few plants that you’d probably never guess: the cashew and pistachio.
Fig Trees

Did You Know?
Fossil records date figs back to between 9400-9200 B.C.

Fun Avocado Fact
Avocados will not ripen on the tree. They must be picked from the tree to initiate ripening. The leaves supply a substance that prevents ripening. The best way to store avocados is to leave them on the tree; they will store for 7 months or more when left on the tree.
Now it’s your turn..
I need some help identifying what the following trees/fruit are? Any clues?

and then of course there was this tree…

and this was underneath it…a good clue and useful to help identify it. Does this help?

If you can solve the mystery, please leave a comment below.
I’ll leave you with one last photo – a collection of mini balls that were under a palm tree. They’re definitely the fruit/seed from the palm tree (usually green when still attached) but to me they look like eyeballs. I guess Hallowe’en must be on my mind, even though it’s a couple of months away, and the colors reminded me of Fall/Autumn.

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